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Ideas for new features to add


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I've been using uTorrent for a couple of days now & I'm loving it. That being said I would really like to contribute some of my ideas to further enhance the uTorrent experience. These are some of my ideas and some bugs that I've noticed.

1. Move to top and move to bottom context menu, some keyboard shortcut for moving file to top

2. When moving more than one job together, jobs that were situated together got seperated between another job

3. Somehow the download speed is not as far as other client (while using default settings), although it's not slow either.

4. Icons representing the files priority (eg. High, Normal, Low, Do not download)

5. Separated window for the uploading/completed files/torrents.

6. Stop all context menu.

7. Can find letter specific torrents by typing the first letter, like in windows explorer (eg. when you type "u" the torrent highlighted "uranus", you type "ut" it jumps to utorrent, & so on).

8. When you move the torrent up/down, it continues to go up and out of visibility.(eg. if what you can see in the current windows is torrent #7 to #20, when you try to move torrent #8 three level up(to #5), it will continue moving without scrolling up.(get it?)

9. Customizing the taskbar icons.

Tell me what you guys think. :rolleyes:

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Here's some more ideas/request that I have...

1. reset to default button in setting.

2. an automatic dialer

3. show tooltip for torrents with long names.

4. the file size doesn't show the exact size of the downloaded file. (If I downloaded torrents with multiple file and I only download one file, it still shows the overall size, not the selected file size)

5. pulldown menus for the new searchbar to choose which torrent website to use. ;)

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First post:

1. Is it that hard to click a few more times?

2. That's a known problem and I think it's being fixed IIRC.

3. This completely depends on the client. Personally, I've gotten better speeds on uTorrent than any other client.

4. Is it that hard to right click?

5. Hell. No. I like how it is right now.

6. ...huh? Stop the context menus? Why?

7. Might be useful for lots of torrents, but seems pretty unnecessary to me.

8. I don't see what you're getting at...

9. Already planned.

Second post:

1. Delete settings.dat, anyone?

2. If you're on dialup, you really shouldn't be downloading through torrents...

3. Just click it?

4. I can see where you're going with this, but just click on the files tab...

5. It's already there... Just click the icon...

Lastly, /me smacks fadli55 for the double post.

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1. Move to top and move to bottom context menu, some keyboard shortcut for moving file to top
Wouldn't mind it, nor use it. I never have more than 6 torrents active at the same time, and none of them are ever queued, so I would have no use of it. Some people might have though.
2. When moving more than one job together, jobs that were situated together got seperated between another job
See silverfire's post.
3. Somehow the download speed is not as far as other client (while using default settings), although it's not slow either.
Since µTorrent isn't made to be slower than other clients, it isn't. It's as simple as that.
4. Icons representing the files priority (eg. High, Normal, Low, Do not download)
The priority is already shown in text. That's enough for me. I don't usually look very much at the files tab anyway.
5. Separated window for the uploading/completed files/torrents.
No. I like it the way it is.
6. Stop all context menu.
The "Pause all" is all I need. If you want to stop all torrents, why not just close µTorrent? But I wouldn't mind the menu as I don't usually rightclick the tray icon anyway.
7. Can find letter specific torrents by typing the first letter, like in windows explorer (eg. when you type "u" the torrent highlighted "uranus", you type "ut" it jumps to utorrent, & so on).
How many torrents do you have active? I can't see any use of this with less than 30 torrents loaded.
8. When you move the torrent up/down, it continues to go up and out of visibility.(eg. if what you can see in the current windows is torrent #7 to #20, when you try to move torrent #8 three level up(to #5), it will continue moving without scrolling up.(get it?)
Shouldn't be too hard to fix this. I agree about this being a small bug.
9. Customizing the taskbar icons.
See silverfire's post.
10. reset to default button in setting.
See silverfire's post.
11. an automatic dialer
See silverfire's post.
12. show tooltip for torrents with long names.
Yeah, why not? I haven't seen any torrent names long enough yet, but if one would appear, I'd not dislike this.
13. the file size doesn't show the exact size of the downloaded file. (If I downloaded torrents with multiple file and I only download one file, it still shows the overall size, not the selected file size)
There could be a section in the general tab for this I think.
14. pulldown menus for the new searchbar to choose which torrent website to use.
See silverfire's post.
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5. Separated window for the uploading/completed files/torrents.

Separated - NO.

Categories (filters, etc) - should be discussed.

2. an automatic dialer.

It's just impossible (oh, i still remember what is dialup :cry:)

3. show tooltip for torrents with long names.


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1. Most people don't run that many torrents.

2. See other posts.

3. Impossible to prove one way or another. Sometimes things go slow, other times things go very quick.

4. Bloat.

5. I would like this feature, but it might be adding more than what is needed. However, another idea that would help to tell the differance between the two would be to blank the download speed just the ETA.

6. A "pause all" and "start all" button would be much better. Otherwise just shut down the app. It doesn't take anywhere near the time to load as Azureus.

7. Bloat and see #1

8. See other posts.

9. See other posts.

1-5 in the second post. See other posts.

One feature that I would like is that when I am seeding, I would like to know when certain ratios are going to be met based on the current speed. Since the ETA column is not being used while seeding, it could be used for this. All that would need to be added is a formula that would tell you how long until you reach a 1:1 ratio. When you hit that ratio, then have it update to tell you how long until you hit a 2:1 ratio. So on and so forth.

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