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utorrent Version for Linux.. - Design must be carefully chosen


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Hi. I just asked utorrent developers to release a utorrent version for Linux. Here I'd like to ask you guys that work in the design stuff to be careful with the utorrent design for Linux.

1) I think that the light interface must remain as light as it's now.

2) If possible it'd be amazing to have utorrent running from one file without any installation just like it works now in Windows.

3) BE CAREFUL with the interface and icons... Many torrent softwares when they come to linux they offer you the worst grafical interface with the text of the icons/buttons being big and not fitting in the space... Buttons without the control os size like it's offered in Windows.. All of this must be carefully designed. I give you an EXAMPLE that I strongly recommend you to take a look. INstall in your windows PC ABC TORRENT, and then install the ABC TORRENT for LINUX. Just looking at the interface you will see CLEARLY what I was trying to say above about the interface problems. You will see how different are these interfaces (ABC for linux and for windows), and everything that they did wrong will be seen clearly. Just do everything different than What they did for Linux that I believe it will be already a great gain...

That's it.

Thank you and I hope a Linux version comes up very soon.

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many jokes and sarcasm from the moderators over my requests and attempts to HELP utorrent. It's a pity....

Just two of them I'll answer before leaving this forum:

silverfire"I don't think a linux version was 'just requested' as you might have indicated"

As the moderator Determination with all the lack of politeness he has, answered me in that post: "you lose at searching".

See: http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?id=13527

ignorantcow"I didn't know linux users required any form of aesthetic value in any of their apps. Interesting."

You really honor you nickname...

Being a linux user or not each person may like wherever they want... Anyway, If the linux users you know like to use their torrent client in text mode or with whatever GUI it comes, I think you should speak in name of your linux friends and not in name of the whole linux community... Most people I know do like a good GUI and many groups are working to improve it as much as possible. One exemple of that is the new grafical design XGL that is coming out where you will have 6 different working areas, but now in a cube!!!! So, when you chage from one working area to another you'll see a cube rotating!!!!

Anyway... to read sarcasm and jokes over my attempts to help the project... It's for sure better use another software and help some other project that will certainly treasure who ever tries to help them EVEN in the projects that don't exist yet.

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Just FYI..

XGL is a joke for usability. It is purely useless once the "OMFG WOW" effect blows over.

And guess where they /copied/ the rotating cube effect from? :D

Guess where 90% of the Linux UI is copied, from?

One might argue that all OSes have copied from each other all, at some point or another but seriously, there's a difference between "innovation", "lookalike but still bearable", and ".. crap". Kindly refer to Diagram 1, below.


Although, I am still very, very surprised Canonical Ltd. could afford to hire theiconfactory, the same company that did the XP icons, to design new icons for Ubuntu.

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  • 7 months later...

Excuse me for posting to this thread so late after it was started but when I read it I just had to say something! I have been a utorrent user since the first time I was introduced to torrents a few years ago. I have tried other torrent clients and I did not find one that I liked better. With that said, after reading this thread I will NEVER use utorrent again. I am surprised at the open and outward rudeness displayed here by the moderators. Where do you get off thinking that you can bash customers? I dont care if you like windows or if you like linux, if you can not accept someone giving feedback without snapping back at them with sarcastic remarks then I will have nothing to do with you or your product and I will encourage others to follow.

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1) No one here is a customer of any kind.

2) Since when was making a passing remark disallowed on these forums?

3) Where was there bashing? I certainly don't see anyone here saying "o noez u stoopid ahaha lolol omfg!1!!!!!11!" so you're totally off base with that claim.

This thread has long outlived its usefulness; the suggestions have been given, and no one else here seems to have anything new to contribute. Consider it locked.

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