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WebUI v0.315


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I don't think that leaving traces of your IP and that you are downloading trought BT (at work ?!?) is very cleaver but if it's good for you...

Beside this I've understood the goal of the project (and it could be useful at given conditions) but why not make it clear on the homepage or at the first post?

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Can someone plese help me with the Setup?

This is what I have done

I followed the readme completely.

*I put webui.zip in the %AppData%\uTorrent folder.

*I went into uTorrent 1.61(the new build that was in the .rar)/went into preferneces/advanced/put in a username and password. I also checked my UTport which is 6881.

*I opened firefox/typed http://XXX.XXX.XX.XX:6881/gui/ in url box/the browser said: Firefox can't find the server at XXX.XXX.XX.XXXXXX.

then I put in http://xanderz:*********@XXX.XXX.XX.XX:6881/gui/ - that ofcourse didn't work either, because the other wouldn't.

*I also tried putting in (i read that somewhere it might work) - but that didn't work aswell...

What is wrong here, I can't see why firefox doesnt respond to the urls?

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Wow, then I get:

Eî@ÿ¢îO¼·4R3£2(.:Zr 4 ܸ: 1ˆb<àNŠ-ÎÈeZq<×|‡Á§Ð e¡ÒÙŸ×ô%zÔìö{n Å%$ôCsù*\fu2÷új3Ök7ì+ð¡`nÏ?²<_æ쉾½õƒ7×<²Ü:ÖN)JG¨ >€nõÑõ€òÔöÈPì!Y§Au°9øêDkë¿·°å¹÷ââdIý¢ùÜ5A‡á-æ>åÚ«\*ÿ<7Ùô§¯éÁÔ»p-Ï®™£


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So far using Utorrent was great for me. I also used the webui alot and have no problem whatsoever with IE 7 or Opera. Now I am travelling to another country and using webui for the first time overseas to access my computer back home and IE 7 prompt cannot display web page error while Opera just loaded a blank page without asking for the password. Is there any other settings required for overseas access?

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Just kidding.

I was looking for a bittorrent client with a web interface and found uTorrent through this WebUI.

Nice work. It works perfectly in Opera (Apart from right clicks). It even works on my Nokia 770. Setting up downloads from a cafe via wifi on my home machine is pretty liberating. I don't even have to get off the sofa to check on my downloads. :)

It would be nice to be able to pause/unpause everything in one click, as multiselecting on my 770 is fiddly, and sometimes I need my bandwith to play a game or whatever.

Incidentally Opera (windows version) is very easy to setup to run from a flash memory stick. You don't need a special version - just edit the .ini files to make the file paths relative. Very handy as you can take your own personally configured browser everywhere with you, where there is a USB slot, Windows, and no OTT security.

Thanks for the WebUI.

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OK, I upgrated to beta 483, installed the webui.zip, and configured it for basic access on the same port I use for torrents.

my setup: torrent server behind a linksys router/firewall on dsl.

ports are forwarded correctly. utorrent/ftp/remote administrator/pc anywhere all work fine

webui will only work correctly from within the firewall

outside the firewall, I can log in remotely via FF, but I cant see any torrents. It shows me as having zero torrents in all the lists on the left, and nothing shows up in the main window. I can get into options and tweak the settings, it does indeed change them. I even added a torrent from a local file to the remote server. it still didnt show any torrents in the webui, but it did in fact load in the actual program.

any clues as to why it is not displaying my torrents? I have almost 1000 (less than 50 are active, the old files are more placeholders for me to know what I've dl'd in the past) could that be the problem?

after about 10 sec. I get 'the request to utorrent has timed out' in both cases. Have tried this from both dialup and dsl connections outside the firewall.

I tried changing to a dedicated port instead of my default torrent port, same deal.

I'm hoping someone else has seen similar results, seems like a firewall issue of some sort. is there anything I need to do besides port forwarding. I'm kinda stumped. all other remote access programs work fine

thanks :)

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Wow I seem to have some royal pain in the rear problems here. For starters I had 2 torrents running that were able to connect to the tracker just fine. I quit regular uTorrent and started up the WebUI version. Now I can't connect to the trackers. It says that "No connection could be made because the target machine is actively refused it.

Now if I close the WebUI version and go back to normal uTorrent it picks up and goes just fine.

The next problem I figure will not work until the first one is fixed but non the less here it is.

I have used all the methods for accessing it over the internet that are listed in the readme and non have worked for me in either Firefox or IE. In Firefox i get a not found and in IE i get an action canceled.

I followed the readme when setting this up.

I have also added the new version name to windows firewall and popped the port in there under udp and tcp.

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