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WebUI v0.315


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OK i don't know if someone has already answered a similair problem but, this doesn't seem to work for me , i've downloaded the utorrent with it already in it, went ctrl p, enabled webui, set up user name and password, then ive tried the link's, all three, either it has a problem loading and doesn't load, or it goes to yourip.com any help? It would be nice to stop my utorrent at school seeing how im at 70 gigs already this month, and i only have a 100 gig broadband limit, which i dont mind going a few over but last month it was at 180 gigs neer the end, only that high cuz i got a new modem so i started anew, though last modem was at 150ish with a limit of 60gigs ;D

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@bak3d on h1gh: You followed everything in the readme? Like placing webui.zip in the %appdata%\uTorrent folder? Can you be more descriptive with what happens?

@GotenXiao: It does work on Wine. Assuming you put webui.zip in .wine/drive_c/windows/profiles/USERNAME/Applications Data/uTorrent of your user home directory, then try disabling Protocol Encryption.

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i seem to be stuck in the loading page no matter what i do i just cannot get by the loading section any help would be appreciated.

so it seems my port and ip are correct for it ask me for the password and user but just gets stuck on Loading in the middle of the page damn so close but so far.

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I've put both the unzipped and zipped webui.zip in %appdata%\uTorrent, if i remember correctly i wasn't able to acces it in "old" utorrentusing contrl p, so i just downloaded the latest utorrent pressed control p-advanced-enable, and created an account, after doing so i punched http://Username:Password@YourIP:UTport/gui/index.html,'>http://Username:Password@YourIP:UTport/gui/index.html, into my multiple browsers

EI7- says windows cannot find http://Username:Password@YourIP:UTport/gui/index.html check spelling and try again

Firefox 2 beta 2 - server not found, cannot find server at yourip, blah blah blah

Netscape - just reroutes me to netscape search

So then i try the next url, http://YourIP:UTport/gui/index.html

EI7- windows cannot find http://YourIP:UTport/gui/index.html check spelling and try again

Firefox - sends me to google search saying this is what im searching for"%20http://YourIP:UTport/gui/index.htm"

Netscape - netscape search again

then just to see if it works i try http://YourIP:UTport/gui/?action=setsetting&s=webui.cookie&v={}

EI7 - windows cannot find http://YourIP:UTport/gui/?action=setsetting&s=webui.cookie&v={} check spelling try again

Firefox - Error 404 page does not exist Sorry, the page /gui/?action=setsetting&s=webui.cookie&v=%7B%7D does not exist at www.yourip.com

Netscape - Netscape search once again

if i did something wrong tell me i have an inkling myself and ill try it now.

edit:didnt seem to work

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yeah i downloaded the the latest with the bult in webui and followed the readme to the letter, i also downloaded opera browser and that gives me the same loading screen so something is up with it.

Anyway i will keep an eye on this page and tinker around until i get it working i guess, sounds like just the product i need whilst im at work and i can monitor my downloads, and when the wife rings me saying " the internet is so slow are you doing anything to it " lol

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That's not a WebUI-related problem, and isn't a µTorrent-related problem either.

@kruizer: You didn't see anything about an installer and such in the readme, right? If you did (you probably didn't, as the readme was updated earlier today, but just in case), ignore that and use only the included executable. Can you post what the Logger tab in µTorrent writes when it stops at the loading screen?

@bak3d on h1gh: Um. Are you telling me you simply copy and pasted, instead of replacing YourIP with... your IP, and UTport with... µTorrent's port...?

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Excellent work, been running it for a few hours without any problem with Firefox here.

..... have only one request though (don't know if you've incorporated in this version but I am too stupid to find it or not :-P) ...... I would like to be able to skip download some files in the torrent via web UI, please make this feature available in the near future.

Cheers for the excellent work!!!

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jeebai: Select a torrent, go to the files tab (if the details are not shown press F6 first), and then right-click on it and it should popup a menu for you to select "Don't Download." (the menu looks broken, because I broke it; it will be fixed soon).

commie: Deleting is not shown in the right-click menu, but there is the delete button in the toolbar. If you want delete torrent + data, that isn't there yet.

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Jeebai: You'll need to change a Firefox setting for it to allow the webui to catch right clicks. Tools -> Options... -> Content -> JavaScript - Advanced -> Check 'Disable or replace context menus'. Hopefully it works now.

medievil: You can get you're external IP from here. Otherwise, you could just use or localhost as your IP for internal testing. The UTport is the port µTorrent is listening on and can be found under Preferences -> Connection -> Listening Port - Port used for incoming connections. If you would like to use the webui µTorrent has to be running and you computer has to be on.

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Well this is what i get,now i know im using my router ip addy but nothing happens when i use my correct ip addy, anyway when i use my correct ip addy at work i still get this error and then firefox restarts.

So if anyone gets any ideas can they chuck them my way, it would so good to check my torrrents from work if i could, i have followed the readme notes to the letter but when i try the


and click reload nothing happens in the latest firefox.

cheers for hearing me gripe on.

by the way Directrix cool proggy


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Jeez, you guys don't mess around with public betas do you?! I figured you guys just had a slow time working on it, i had no idea you'd bust out with something as fully developed as that! Sure it's a beta, but still, i was NOT expecting that!

Oh and hi, i'm alex, a uTorrent addict

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Directrix --> sorry, still doesn't work (I've tried unchecking it and it gave me the normal Firefox menu, I guess that is to be expected).

Also, when I tried right clicking on the torrents that are running no menu appears as well. One other thing, in the future release would it be possible for you guys to include remove and delete.torrent when you right click the torrent as well :-)

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