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Can utorrent make new torrents with mulitple trackers?


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There are alot better standalone torrent makers then those in any of the popular clients. I know thats not a very good answer, but since they are developed independently from the client itself i believe that gives them better quality. I know for sure they have alot more options.

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There are alot better standalone torrent makers then those in any of the popular clients. I know thats not a very good answer, but since they are developed independently from the client itself i believe that gives them better quality. I know for sure they have alot more options.

so why do we even HAVe a create torrent function

bloatware... :rolleyes:

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UPLOADERS: Make sure you do multi-tracking correctly; programs, such as maketorrent, simply do not work. DWKnight has prepared a handy utility to do everything for you. This tool overwrites the existing trackers for a .torrent file with the correct trackers for PB; custom trackers can also be entered.

When creation of multitracker torrents is implemented, it'd be nice if we wouldn't need to go through this step to get the torrents working. ^_^

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Initially I did not think an integrated torrent maker was really that important, but I have come like the integration and simple design of the current utorrent maker. The only thing lacking is multi-tracker support.

Maketorrent has not been updated in 18 months, and multi-tracker support doesn't really work.

Completedir can hardly be found (just a download on sourceforge). No homepage, no support, no updates.

Bitcomet & Azureus have decent built-in Torrent Makers, but who wants to start 100 MBs of Azureus to make a multi-tracker torrent :rolleyes:

TorrentBuild seems to fill the void, having plenty of features & good multitracker support, but at 15MB due to .Net dependancy, it is still rather big. Also the UI is overloaded and not as polished as utorrent.

So, I for one, would really like to see simple multi-tracker support added to utorrent.

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