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Um... that's hardly DSL speeds... when you test your connection, make sure you're not using it for any other reason other than for testing. That means any other computer on the network should be disconnected. You should not be downloading, or using µTorrent, or anything else besides running the speed test.

OpenOffice.org as in one of the torrents listed here -- it's used as a benchmark torrent.

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Oh. My. Freaking. God. Is there any reason you are unable to wait more than even half an hour for a response? This is a forum, it's not some kind of chatting or instant messenging service. Your messages aren't going to disappear ANYWHERE, and when we come back to visit, we'll see it... Please, do NOT multi-post. Please? There's an edit link for a reason -- USE it.

In my eyes, if you're paying for that as a DSL service, you're getting ripped off. That's barely faster than 56k dialup. Anyhow, that said, we you need to select your upload speed in the Speed Guide, so telling us your download speed won't help much. If you can get a green light, then everything's fine, and there's not much else you can do, especially given the connection you have.

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It's a torrent we use to benchmark your speeds. If you're only getting about 8KiB/s download speed on it, the speed test returns the same speed, and you have a green light, it's very likely that that's you have everything set up properly, and that's all you can get out of your connection.

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Fluffyducky is probably being shaped by his ISP (Primus) for exceeding his monthly download limit.

When it comes to BitTorrent, even the most friendly bandwidth limits are easily exceeded. I've exceeded 80 GB/month just in upload bandwidth alone -- and that's without ever uploading faster than 45 KB/sec!

With very low bandwidth quotas/limits, you need to use even more conservative upload speed settings and far fewer connections at once -- you want quality over quantity since EACH connection uses some bandwidth just to stay connected.

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