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Error message: torrent not registered... Please Help!


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Looking for some help. I recently uploaded some torrents and everything seemed to be fine until I turned the computer off. Now, every time I try to make the torrent available in utorrent i get the message...

"Failure: torrent not registered with this tracker (unauthorized)"

Any ideas about what I need to do to fix this?


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Regardless, the torrent is not registered with the tracker anymore, so it's a tracker-side issue. The only thing you can do is register it with the tracker again, or register it properly (whatever that means -- it's different from tracker to tracker, which you have to find out from the tracker documentation).

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looks like I have the same issue, but,the interesting thing is that I tried to download about 20 torrent files(including the most recent ones) and every time got the same error from tracker - "torrent is not registered with this tracker"???

Even admin logged me in under different user ID and password - same error still....

Any ideas on that?


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It's a tracker issue, ask the administrator what's wrong with the tracker if you're sure the tracker is still tracking the torrent. If it's not, then you're SOL -- go find the torrent from somewhere else or something. There's nothing we can do about tracker-side issues.

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