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invalid url / offlined timed out error messages!!


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ermmm sorry?? but no post bumping here?, i just wanna fix my utorrent... really!! just because i am new, means that i want to fix my utorrent that's all. and erm thanks? i think the restart itself may of helped Utorrent, but i installed the patch, that opens ports i believe? and that must of helped.

but reducing the net.max_halfopen to 4? i was a little dubious to do this as previously i had been told to increase that to 80. none the less i have done it, but don't realise how it could help?

Thanks Ultima

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Decreasing to 4 has helped some people where patching TCPIP.sys hasn't, for some odd reason or another. The checklist is actually just a "try this, if it works, great, if not, try the next" kind of checklist. Good to hear you've fixed the problem though :)

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