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new feature idea Web UI


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You cant open the containing folder because you dont have access to the filesystem of the pc your accessing through the WebUI.

Correct me if im worng, but i think the used space idea has already been requested a number of times.

Good ideas tho :)

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I dont know if it has been requested on the forums, but its definatly been asked for in IRC, i asked for it there too, if you are adding a large torrent remotely there is no way of knowing if there is enough hard disk space for it. Just the amount of free hard disk space would be enough information to solve this problem.

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"Just the amount of free hard disk space would be enough information to solve this problem."

Pleh: thats been on the todo list for the webui for a while, and obviously is already in utorrent. What the original poster requested tbh i dont have a clue what purpose it would serve, but anyway, both his requests i have a feeling wont be implemented. But i am hopeful that free HDD space will be implemented same time as being able to choose where to save the torrents.

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