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Checking taking forever and 50%-100% at any given moment.


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I have a PC that is 400mhz with 384mb RAM. This is why I choose uTorrent because it doesn't need much CPU or memory. Now, dling torrents are fine but if I go to check a torrent, even making sure my Hard Drive is in DMA mode, it goes very slow during checking. My downloads are stored on an external hard drive connected with USB 1.1. Is there anyway to speed up checking so it doesn't take years to start dling? If no way with the machine itself, anyway to make Windows use another machine to do it's dirty work? I mean, have that machine, steal some CPU cylces and memory from another machine to get things done faster?

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Well, what about my 766mhz system instead with 256mb ram?

The reason I am asking is, I don't want to have the DLs going on my main machine because then I can't really restart the system or shut it off, I would much rather have a dedicated system for the DLs so I can use my main system freely without really having to start and stop all my dls.

I only get 37kb/s and a lot of dls take forever, so the less interuptions possible, the better.

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Yeah, what I want to do is basically take all the dls from this computer, then just move them to a uTorrent on another machine, but I don't want to wait days just for the other computer to hash check and begin the dls because that would waste way too much dl speed.

But is 766mhz/256mb RAM and USB 2.0 with a USB 2.0 external HD, fast enough to do that?

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  • 2 months later...

I read your initial post and I have almost the same system specs.

I wouldn't bother upgrading to USB 2.0 because it would be a waste. Your system really wouldn't go any faster. Do a search on the specs for a PCI USB 2.0 card and you will see that minimum is 900mhz for a Celeron and slower if is not.

The great thing about the external drive is that you can take it to a friend, who has a faster machine and ISP and download form there.

If you have come up with any way to speed up the checking (other than a faster machine), please drop me an Email.

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