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I'm writing a WebUI-like firefox extension


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The amount of data that is transfered by the webui (and thus by the extension) is very low compared to constant data streams like µtorrent.

If you have about 5 torrents loaded webui will draw about 1kb every 5 seconds which is 0,2 kb/s average.

This is a rough estimation but obviously it signifies how small an impact webui has. And besides this is only while somebody is actually logged into webui (or has the extension opened). If nobody has the webui opened it doesn't use any bandwidth.

If someone has the extension installed but the side panel closed it will only use the 1kb (at 5 torrents) every 10 seconds (assuming 10 seconds is what is set as the Update Interval in the extension settings) while Firefox is opened to keep the speeds in the Status Bar up to date.

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I find it annoying how people keep citing TorrentFreak as the source for this extension, when all TorrentFreak does is simply link to this thread. That's not the only "article" I've seen to do this, and though it may not be not my place to complain (that and the fact that it's a very trivial matter), I must say that it still does bug me. The same thing happened with the Google gadget thing.

Now, if I was simply mistaken, and hiddenriver is actually "Ernesto" from TorrentFreak, then here's my "whoops" in advanced, but since I see no evidence of that, I can only assume it's not the case. And I'm not really blaming TorrentFreak either, but the people who just can't seem to realize that TorrentFreak is simply making the extension known, not saying "oh look at what we made."


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NOX and Sleepy: View -> Sidebar -> µtorrent (if there is a quicker way, i'd like to know it?)

I registered on the forums just to say this extension is great. The drag and drop aspect is really convenient.

I look forward to further updates to see where it goes. Good job.

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Windows XP SP 2

Firefox Version 2.0 (I was also running 1.5.x.x 0.8 i THINK, it also didn't work for me there.)

Only other Extension I am running -

DownThemAll! (which does not use Alt + U)

When I open View -> Sidebar, next to µtorrent, there is no Alt + U option, if there is supposed to be, I am not sure. But just thought I'd include that.

Personally, it's not a huge deal pulling down the menu to open the sidebar manually, the time I am saved by way of the drag and drop is well worth it to still use.

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4444: i think you might be the only person who would use that feature! I think an option like that will make the extension more complicated for the average user. However, if you know how to use winzip and notepad you can change the extension to use https://. The xpi is just a zip file. Open it up and extract the contents. Then there is a jar file in there, which is also just another zip file. Extract the files from that. You'll see a bunch of .js and .xul files. Go through them and change the occurences of http:// with https://. Then reverse the zip process to make a shiny new .xpi file and install it :)

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Hi everyone,

I've wanted something like this extension for a long time, but not for the sidebar feature. It was the statusbar feature that I wanted. Except it wasn't implemented to my needs. So I cracked open the extension and started modifing it. This is what it has different from the first version:

* in the status bar the panel now says: "DL connections (speed Kb/s) - UL connections (speed Kb/s)"

* when you left click the status panel, the options dialog will popup

* when you hover the status panel a big hint will appear containing two tables with the active connections and thier completness percentage or ratio, depending on their nature (downloading or seeding)

Here's where you can download it from: http://agachi.name/misc/utorrent-0.1.2.xpi

Hope you like it and use it!

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