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Port forwarded fine but still no DHT


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I have forwarded the port fine, and know it isn't a firewall problem as i have disabled all firewalls and still get it, I also know it isn't an ISP/modem problem as i don't get this prolbme when i remove the router from the loop.

just for ref I use comodo firewall, and have a scientific atlanta cable modem(can get model number if really neede but don't think it is relevant as mentioned above)

Using a netgear RP614v3

The "light" changes between greentick and yellow ! mark, and DHT only ever says waiting to login, or 0nodes(login)

I get extremely slow, if any down speed at all! Without the router I used to get around 400kB/s

I used portforward.com gave my pc a static IP on the LAN and port forwarded this, which when you run the check comes up all a-ok.

I also have uPnP enabled on the router

anyone got any ideas?

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thanks i seemed to have fixed it by deleting the dat and olddat files from %appdata% but now all the seeds have gone offline for the torrent i was so despeartly after :(

I also have in the past tried only upnp or only port forwadding and utorrent has been slow or parts havent worked only ever works at all when both are on.

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