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Global Maximum Download Rate not changing.


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I recently had to reinstall uTorrent after a format and every since then I have been limited at a 30k download rate. This no matter what I set the global max at, my downloads will never reach higher than 30.5k. I looked around for an answer to this problem but I wasn't really able to find a similar situation so I am sorry if this has been posted before.


My ports are forwarded and my icon shows a healthy blue download icon. I am also in a swarm with 26 seeds and 29 leechers. I have no idea why my speed is being limited like this, and its happening on all my downloads. Any help would rock immensely.

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? I have a share rating over 1, which isn't that great I understand but its hard to rebuild it after a format. Thanks for the help though.

Like I said I did a cursory search but I guess I didn't browse well enough. Thanks for setting me on track.

Anyway changing my upload limit from what it had suggested on install fixed it. Recommended remedy for others is to try the same if they have the problem I did.

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