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Peers barly connecting - seeding


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I'm connected to two different tracker lets call it X and Y. X has 0(47) seeders 0(46) peers, Y has 0(69) seeders and 3(30) peers. Ports are configured correctly w/ green light and passed the port test. For the Speed guide, I had it set to xxx/384 since i'm w/ Comcast. Half-open is set to 100 using the patch for xp sp2. net.max_halfopen is set to 50. Also for X I see would see it connect to maybe 1-3 peers for a second and then connection would drop off. Is there any reason why I'm barly connecting to any peers so I can upload? My d/l speed is running perfectly fine though.

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network related... dont have any software firewall running

manual port fwd

I know I can upload a lot faster than this, which it has before

ok like for tracer X, it's almost a 1:1 ratio of seeder & leechers, I was kinda expecting someone should be requesting to transfer files to them... or a lot more connected peers

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