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Net traffic slowdown problem corrected by me !!


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Hi everybody,

I think I've just corrected my problem of net traffic slowdown caused by uTorrent. I simply changed my connection limit in Windows. It was set to 10 and I just changed it to the maximum using Xp-AntiSpy. It's great and it seems to work very well for now. I'll post if I encounter again the problem. Thx to this nice progy (uTorrent). xxx

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Good to hear its working out for you. I still would recommand trying to solve this in a different way before patching an important system file. Remember, uTorrent has a feature to work-around that limit (slow_connect aka max_halfopen in the future).

I tried even with slow_connect, it was not so fine than now with limit connection patched.

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setting it to the maximum isnt a bad thing. it wont do anything to the performance of your pc. The reason MS set it to 10 was to make it harder for maliscious worms to spread throughout networks quickly, unfortunately it does degrade performance of p2p slightly and causes certain browsers to load pages slower. But, seeing as most ppl at home dont have huge networks of computers but only between 1-5 it is advisable to get the patch and use it. if you do decide to use the patch you should set it to atleast 100. That way it will enable you to run quite a few p2p programs simultaneously and be able to browse the web and still have pages load quickly without encoutering any problems.

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