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portforwading error


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there is a very strange type of problem im facing.I use utorrent for downloading.But it is giving a NAT error that the port is blocked.I had configured my router and forwarded the ports and checked the them from utorrent and the result was the port is forwarded and recivieng incoming connections,all the errors were fixed and everything was going fine.But after a few days the error was again there that there is a NAT error and the port is blocked i have checked my router the ports were forwarded there but utorent is still giving erors that port is blocked,and in my router settings the ports are forwarded.I have checked all the computers on my network all are giving the same error.now what is the problem i cant undestand because in my router settings everything is ok.I have formatted my pc and againg installed windows but the errors are still there and utorent is giving error.I have configured my router many time to stop this error but nothing happens.[Error! Port 11900 does not appear to be open.]now what to do i dont know plz help me.[Not only utorrent but each and every p2p sortware is giving port error].

my router is beetel 220bx.

im from india and i have an airtel broadband connection.:(

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If 2 computers on your network can ping each other, then there's at least no software firewall blocking them from each other.

If you connected one computer where your modem connects to your router, then you could test through the router.

If you go to grc.com and run Shields Up, you can test whether someone on the internet can ping your computer on certain ports.

You read your router's manual (lost it? download another from the manufacturer's website...GOOGLE IT!) for how to configure it.

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