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Slow Yellow -> Green


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Whenever I start downloading a torrent the ball will be yellow for a very long time..switch to green for 10 seconds then switch back to yellow..then after 5 mins it will go back to green and stay like that. I check if my port is forwarded in the speed guide every once in awhile. For some reason it will say ITS NOT even though i get a green ball. My Downloading speeds seem to be a lot slower on games because of this..anyone know what the problem could be?

Thanks In advance

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Upload slots 3

Connections (global) 128

Connection type :128k


I don't know why its only when i download games..i've tried downloading lego star wars and heroes of might and magic and i get slow downloads...yet i try macromedia flash and it boosts really high. More Seeders for games too.

Thanks In advance

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The xx/128k settings should be good...but it really depends on whether your connection can sustain those values.

Sort of like the difference between if a car can go 100 MPH and whether it can do it for 4 hours straight. And that I just can't answer without testing a connection.

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Ok...i've noticed when i download larger files i get an extremely slow download( maybe 20kB/s) then after a while it SLOWLY raises...like around 100kB/s at like 75%. Also noticed that the ball stays yellow for a long time too. Openoffice downloaded nicely, and switeck its the other way around..Its VERY SLOW then gets pretty fast. Except its slow for a long time...the quickness at the end is pretty much useless because the torrent is nearly done.

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