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Auto shutdown shutting down even thou disabled.


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Running µTorrent 1.6 build 474 on XP Pro Corp SP2. I have used the Auto Shutdown function when downloads completes in µTorrent. That worked just fine. The problem is that it still shuts down even thou this function clearly is marked as disabled. This little annoyance is fully consistant through restarts (been a few of those now).

Known bug, new bug or is it just my comp harassing me? Didn't find anything related searching the forum.



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Shutdown when downloads complete shuts the computer down when all currently downloading torrent jobs reach 100% download completion.

Shutdown when everything completes shuts the computer down when all currently active torrent jobs are completed.

FWIW, if you ever have a question about what something does in the µTorrent interface, check out the second link in my signature.

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