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Multi-block seeding


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In a torrent you expect to be traded modestly, and often by slower users (e.g., modem-users in the third world), small block sizes are preferable as they propogate most easily. They do, however, make it a pain in the but to initially seed the torrent as uTorrent trickles out 64k, then waits forever to see how the recipient is sharing it. This is especially painful at the beginning when there are only a few peers lined up, and you risk them thinking the torrent is "broke" and leaving.

I'd like to see an initial-seeding option in the vein of: "seed [x] blocks simultaneously" (default value for x is 1). -- This way, if you've a 700mb torrent with 128k-sized blocks, you can set it to 8 to dash off up to a full meg at a time to peers (provided they request at least 8). Later, when you've over half-way done and have a dozen or more peers lined up, you can switch back to normal.

The "loss" percentage may be higher with this feature, but if it saves time, it'll be worth it to many of us.

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"The point" is lost if the *peers* are taking off because they're not getting anything -- meaning that not only is the torrent slow, but peers are running before they've traded much. It's the old "I'll check back in tomorrow so see if this thing is going yet."

Right now, in order to get a modest-interest torrent up and running, I have to seed normally for awhile to build up a "stockpile" of sent blocks (typically until maybe somebody's at 5%), then switch over to initial-seeding. I'm pretty religious about manually punting (via PeerGuardian) obvious leeches, but it's still all a manual kludge.

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