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Bluescreen when using utorrent 1.6 Build 474


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I'm using uTorrent 1.6 on Windows XP SP2. After about 1 hour il get a bluescreen. The Bluescreen ses somthing about problems with memmery dump.

The system option "Automatically restart " if system failure is of.

Im using smal memmroy dump (64kb) in windows is that wrong? Shuld i use kernel memmory dump.

I`m not using Windows Firewall, have a Nvida firewal but it is of.

Error code from Event properties.


Error code 100000d1, parameter1 00000038, parameter2 00000002, parameter3 00000001, parameter4 f1845ab6.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp.


Thanx alot for all the help for taking your time. And soory for my bad english.


Hi again and thnx for reply.

There is nothing wrong with the computers drivers, i have 2 network cards on my computer. One going to my xbox and one for internett. But that shuldent be a problem?

Every thing worked fine before i started using utorrent. Have been using ABC for 2 years. But last night i uninstalld Nivida firewall i wasent using it anyway. And the problem seems to be solved. Hade utorrent running all night, no problem yet. Love utorrent. ABC is crap always having problem with upploading files.

thnx alot for the help guys.


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