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Tracker Status: Connection timed out.To all torrents!


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Hello every one...It's nice to be in this forum..

But ..Houston i have i problem... :)

My connection is a dsl 768\192 --->669/174 thas the numbers i see in my router page...

I have my firewall and router set for the ports of μtorrent (52260)

I have set the settings by this page..http://infinite-source.de/az/az-calc.html ussing the number i seen my router 669/174kb

i have i fritz box modem router from AVM

I have patched the tcpip.sys (50 half open connction) and i have set the half open connections to μtorrent to 9 by default

The settings are :

max connections =112

connections peer torrent =67

upload slots=2

total torrents =3 (i did set 3 so i acan upload to private trackers for ratio)

download torrents =2


upnp=disabled (i don't thing my router supports it)

I haven't change anything else in the advanced options

The problem is that after 30 minutes my torrents timed out and go red or in the best cashe i have only 1-3 green. But finaly ever one of them turns red!

I 've tryed other settings to make μtorrent stable and and keep my tracker status connected but so far i had no luck!!

Settings i found here in this forum .I also read for advices but nothing maked my torrents green .

I also tryed the the speed guide set the xxx/192 default settngs but it didn't help...


P.S (If you need more info for the problem .. just ask me)


I did!! I've disabled dht and ip resolving.

If i set my max connections to 50

How much i have to set for connection peer torrent ?

Number of torent in total and download torents value ? is 3-2 ok?

My speeds are ok for me but i have my torrents sleep and not sheared and this not good fro private trackers ratio !


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