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Queueing order is malfunctioning!


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Hi all,

I am trying to queue my torrents so that as one torrent completes the next one will start. However, I will set up the queue line (3 at a time), come back to my PC later, find that all torrents were downloading at once and has crashed my connection. I work over a wireless connection in my house, and every time that more than one torrent is downloading at a time, my connection crashes. I currently allow 1 active download so this is not an issue and have to manually stop other torrents until one finishes.

Am I doing something wrong with my queue setup? I have them ranked in order of how i want them to download, but torrents activate themselves before the ranked one is done downloading.

Also I have read other threads that people can have more than one active download even on a wireless router connection. Any ideas why my connection might crash if more than one is operating at a time? (I have configured my Linksys router with recommended firmware upgrades)

I appreciate everyone on this forum. The information has helped me in the past!





Global Max Conn = 100

Max connected peers per torrent = 75

Upload slots/ torrent = 2

Active torrents(up or down) = 2

Active downloads = 1

Global Max upload rate = 20/kb


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For whatever the reason, the torrents probably ended up with upload speeds less than 1 KB/sec...which don't count towards the max active torrent limit. So µTorrent starts another torrent seeding. ...and then another torrent slows down enough that it falls below the 1 KB/sec upload speed. ...repeat till connection is dead.

You may need to enable use additional upload slots if upload speed <90% and/or increase upload slots to 3.

You may also want to disable the advanced setting to not count as active slow ul torrents.

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