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What happens to my current peers if I delete torrent from tracker?


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Hi guys, yesterday I uploaded a torrent to a private tracker and began seeding the file I wanted to share. This file is quite large and I'll probably be the sole seeder for a long time so I've had a change of heart, what I'd like to do is stop anyone from starting the torrent from this point on but allow anyone who has already started to reach 100% Would removing it from the tracker affect anyone in my current list of peers?

Thanks :]

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Set the priority of that torrent to LOW and upload slots on it to 1. Then if you run other torrents it will take next-to-no upload bandwidth. Barring that, it will take variable amounts of upload bandwidth up to your max limit. If you have use additional upload slots if upload speed <90%, it may even use more than 1 upload slot from time to time.

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