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Hundreds of seeders/peers, but I only connect to a few


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What is causing this? I never seem to connect to any peers or seeders, most of the time only 1-5

Plus, sometimes the incoming connection marker is yellow, and sometimes green, even with the same port, is it possible that my router is randomly opening or closing ports?

edit: This seems to be a problem with µtorrent only, Azureus works fine, but I prefer µtorrent, Az. tends to hog all my RAM.

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  • 2 months later...

i have the same problem.. network status light is green, i've enabled the port from my host computer.

no firewall.

DL speed 1500~kbps

UL speed 200-300~ kbps

upload limit 47kb/s

upload slots 1

connections(per-torrent) 1000

connections(global) 8000

max active torrent 5

max active download 5

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You're wanting to connect to potentially 1000 connections PER torrent, but only willing to upload to 1 of them (upload slots=1). Sadly, even if you have the "use additional upload slots if upload speed is <90%" checked, that won't work very well!

If you actually got so many connections at once, your line will be overloaded just trying to KEEP these connections rather than getting any useful speeds from them. This is why BitTorrent clients don't make any great effort to connect to 100's of ips at once. Even beyond about 20 connections per torrent, each additional bunch of connections tends to increase download speeds less and less...and may even DECREASE it!

One of the reasons many people see download speed increases when they increase their max connections is because they're not uploading very fast. The peers they're connected to have very little reason to reward them if they're not uploading much (or anything!) to them, so they only occassionally upload to them. If everyone allows lots of connections, (especially with low upload speeds!) then everyone's download speeds will be low.

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