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Speed Drops


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im sorry if there is already a post on this i looked and couldnt find it,

when im dling something it gets to about 99.7 or 99.9% done and then my connection just drops to 0.1kb/s and i do realize that it does drop when its finishing but i have like 10 sec left and drops to 0.1 and then i have 4hrs i mean whats up.

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could be you are an early bird and the missing pieces are not yet widely distributed,

could be they are fake torrents and they will never be 100% available or it could be you have one of the routers that are mentioned in the FAQ with this problem.

(look what the lower bar in the general tab says regarding availability. it this is less then 1.000 there is no complete torrent content in the swarm available at the moment

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