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uTorrent taking over to torrent world, sighting on Mininova!


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I was surfing around on Mininova, a very popular (and highly reccomended bt search utility) and stumbled upon this amazing find!

Edit: image removed -V

It used to say some other odd unpopular client, now its uTorrent baby!

Totally awesome!!! I am so happy that uTorrent is taking the world over one user at a time! Its also cool that Mininova actually used the proper name with the micron/nano/whatever-it-is symbol. w0ot w0ot w0ot!!!!!

Keep up the good work everyone, its really pulling off!!!!!!!

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1. This was news as of about two weeks ago.

2. Please use thumbnails for large images. Be considerate of the dialup users. They already suffer from having such a crappy connection, so don't make it any worse.

3. Please don't display/link to any illegal content, as nobody wants uTorrent to be construed as supportive of piracy, especially considering that the website's server is US-based.

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