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The more torrents I have the slower the download speed... any ideas?


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Here is the scenario: I have a max download around 2MB/s. I will be downloading say 30 or so torrents from a specific site getting a steady speed of 750KB/s. Once the torrents start to finish and I'm down to only 10 or less my download speed kicks up to about 1 or 1.2 MB/s. If I'm down to 3 or less torrents and I'm leeching off peers who have amazing uploads I'll get around 1.5 to 1.8MB/s download. I understand that the more torrents I have the more peers I'm connected to and the more information is being passed, but is that really enough to bog down my connection that much? Maybe it is, maybe not. I am not at all concerned about maxing out my connection and this isn't about being a speed junkie. This is just a pattern I've noticed and I was curious if anyone had an answer. Thanks!

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I have tried two. An older d-link (I forget the model) and the new Rangemax Next Netgear with the N technology. BUT... I also see the same results when direct to the modem. I have a second modem too that I've tried. While it doesn't have the speed of my main modem it does have a cap of 1 MB/s. This one also will never go above 750KB/s.

Something interesting I'd like to note. When I initially start uTorrent or if I resume from an all torrents paused status, the speed will skyrocket to the full 2MB/s speed for 45-60 seconds before plummeting back down to the 750-1500KB/s range. This will happen on my 2nd modem as well. It will cap out at 1MB/s before lowering down to the 750/KB/s.

I've juggled with the thought that my ISP (Comcast) shapes P2P but then why would it vary from 750 all the way up to 1500KB/s? Like I mentioned, the only thing that seems to affect speed is the number of torrents I run.

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You need to look at the UPLOAD side if you want to understand why this is.

So firstly, what's your connection's SUSTAINABLE upload rate?

Being that BitTorrent is loosely based on tit-for-tat, if you're uploading slower to people they'll likely be uploading less back to you...and uploading more to someone else who is more giving.

So it would make sense that if your average upload speed PER total upload slots falls below 3 KB/sec, that speeds might suffer...and if that value falls below 1 KB/sec speed WILL suffer. Below 0.2 KB/sec, results can be really 1-sided...you might be uploading at 100 KB/sec and getting less than 10 KB/sec back!

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