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the machine lacks bufferspace or the que is full?


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Anyone else got this problem?

I have a norwegian utorrent and the original message is:

"En opperasjon på en kontakt kan ikke utføres fordi maskinen mangler tilstrekkelig bufferplass"

I have 1 disk with 2 partitions on.

C: which i run XP on with the normal system files + program files. 1.7gb free space

G: which i have movies, music, games, etc etc. 57gb free space

Ive chosen on propperties to put the temp file on my G: drive and also the finieshed file on G: drive, but it still gives me the error msg =(

Anyone know why this happens?

It seems to work a little after I restart the pc and run utorrent, but after a while it just goes "cold fish" on me =(

I am no genius when it comes to things like this, and i hope someone with knowledge can help me or point me in the right direction

Thanks for the help


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