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µtorrent affects internet connection on WinXPpro/SP2 Machine


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Hello all

I really like µtorrent, but it has some negative impact on my system, without which it would be even better ^^

When i launch µtorrent or when i add another torrent (and it starts downloading) all other applications seem to have real trouble to transfer anything over the internet ... for example firefox takes ages to load a webpage (or even fails to) right then after starting µtorrent or starting another torrent in µtorrent ...

I know that this can be caused by certain routers, but a) my router already uses the latest bios and B) this never occured with azureus or the official client ...

I would really appreciate all hints you could give my to a solution ;)



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Thank you very much for your answers :)

Firon: No, if i don't have any torrents running it does not happen, so i guess DHT is not the problem? Is that right?

Ultima: Thank you very much for that link, i think i'll try the updated TCPIP.sys as i consider all other options not applicable to me (uPNP already disabled, max connections is already very low, router has latest bios, DHT see answer to Firon)

I'll keep you updated on success/failure ^^



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