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8 is the default limit for net.max_halfopen. 10 is the default for TCPIP.sys. I'm not sure what you're asking for here, but the limit in the TCPIP.sys should ALWAYS be higher than the net.max_halfopen limit (as a general rule of thumb, the TCPIP.sys limit should always be at least 25% higher than the net.max_halfopen limit, as I said earlier).

And what do you mean by "affect" your connection? In a good way, or in a bad way?

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i think i am not sure that when i have enabled tcp/ip patch my dcl connection went off then trying to reup again then in a second off again the same think over and over have you heard such a think with tcp/ip patch?

and for the other think as default the limit is 8 at utorrent if i dont`t use tcp ip patch it ok to demise that at 4?

if i use tcp/ip patch i have undertsant from what say earlier that i can increase it at 35-40 correct?

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So long as the TCPIP.sys patch isn't used improperly (against how I said it should be used), then no, it shouldn't affect anything. We use the patch because Microsoft decided to limit how many connections could be attempted to be established simultaneously at any given time, so to limit the spreading of malware. IMHO, 10 was too low a choice, but what can we do about it =T

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