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Super slow DL speeds with new Optic Fiber service... help please!!!


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I'd been using Utorrent with no problems with my ADSL connection, and recently switched to Fiber Optic so I could get even higher speeds. I've had to reformat my HD just so that I could have DL speeds of about 70Mbps.

I Dled and installed UTorrent and tried DLing some torrents. They have come in slowly at a max speed of 2 kB.

I live in Japan and got my new service through NTT, the local phone company. The phone company connected me with an ISP called Plala. I was given the modems (or whatever they are) by my phone company. There are 3 of them: one box connects to the optic fiber which all the other boxes are connected to. A CTU box is connected to that. The CTU connects directly to my PC and also to another box (VoIP) which connects to my phone.

After connecting all this, I also had to install some software from the phone company NTT. This included a security system (made by Trend Micro I believe except with NTT's name on it.) As this has anti-virus and a firewall I believe, the Windows XP firewall has been disabled.

When I connect to Utorrent I usually first get a yellow triangle and then a red "!" and a message saying that a firewall or router is blocking peers connecting to me. At this point I have disabled the security system. At one point I got a green circle, but the DL speed didn't increase. The symbol eventually turned to a red "!" again. I used the Utorrent port checker and it said that the port I was using wasn't open.

I don't know if I have a router or the brand because it's all generic NTT stuff. I tried calling NTT but they won't help me open a port for P2P usage. When I tried doing port forwarding via IPconfig it didn't give me a subnet mask, Default gateway, or Name server, but I think I may have found it in my connection info in my LAN info.

When I did do the ipconfig one of the headings was Automatic Tunneling Pseudo-Interface, and another was Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface. Can someone help me out with this please!!!

I feel like I never should have switched internet service.

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