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Access Denied Worked Before


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I had to reinstall Windows after getting a new motherboard but I had kept all of my old data and settings. Utorrent worked on this install.

So I fire up utorrent with the correct NAT settings and everything is showing green. So I decide to grab a torrent for Ubuntu but I keep getting access denied in the DHT status. So I get a few other torrents for various things and they all keep getting the same error. I then turn on forced encryption but I still get the access denied. I am using the exact same wireless device to connect as before and therefore it has the same mac address so the same IP and everything is auto assigned by the router. I have disabled the default windows firewall and I am using the NAT hardware firewall instead. Also I have disabled my anti virus (Avira).

The curious thing though is that Azureus works just fine. I compared the Azureus settings to Utorrent and they are identical. Now I can use Azureus if I must but I hate how much of my CPU that it uses and the fact that it takes up ~200 mb of ram to operate.

So what is going on here?

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  • 3 months later...

ok i noticed sumthn... i can download individual files but not folders. for instance, i can download a .zip, .rar, or .avi file, but wen its a torrent of a folder of files (lets say a bunch of rars), then it will come up wit this access denied error. does this help anyone to figure out wats goin on wit this problem?

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