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Help - Drastic Speed Decrease


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I used to get speeds of 250kB/s+ but now, for no apparent reason i get speeds of no more than 25-30.

I need some help


The Openoffice Torrent catches speeds of about 23-25kB/s which is the same as the latest Axxo torrents (i tried the axxo torrents for test purposes only)

My Download is about 1850 and upload is about 175/180.

My Port is perfectly open (Green Circle)

Global Maximum Upload Rate is 14kB/s

Global Maximum Number Of Connections is 200

Max no. of connected peers per torrent is 30

Up slots per torrent is 2

Both DHT's are Ticked

Ask tracker for scrape info and Peer exchange are ticked

Protocol Encryptions are enabled and allows legacy connections

1 active torrent and active downloads

Halfopen is 55

Patched to 70 by the Lvllord patch

ISP is i think BT broadband 2mb



Addition: I am running uTorrent 1.6 Build 474

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- Make sure you have a green network status light in the µTorrent status bar Yes

- Try testing a torrent from OpenOffice.org or Ubuntu Linux? (If any of them run quickly, then the problems you're experiencing likely lie only with the swarm)You know speeds

- Try enabling Protocol Encryption? (Can be found in Preferences > BitTorrent) Yes

- Made sure peer.lazy_bitfield is enabled? (Can be found in Preferences > Advanced)True (Yes)

- Check to make sure your ISP isn't listed here NOT LISTED

- Disable IP resolving in the Peers tab No Difference

- Try disabling DHT (Can be found in Preferences > BitTorrent) No Difference

- Try disabling UPnP (Can be found in Preferences > Connection)No Difference

- Try lowering maximum global number of connections to 200? 100? 50? (Can be found in Preferences > BitTorrent) No Difference

- Lower net.max_halfopen to 4 (Can be found in Preferences > Advanced) No Difference

- Patched TCPIP.sys and restarted computer after patching? (Assumes you are using Windows XP w/ SP2)No Difference

- Connect your computer directly to the modem to make sure the problem is not caused by the router No Difference

- Restart your computer, modem, and router after performing any of the above No Difference

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It may require a combination of things to see real speed improvements.

How long has it been since your computer was last formatted?

Have you installed and uninstalled much software recently? (as this may contribute by leaving behind bad registry entries and crippling DLLs that link to nothing as the rest of the program was removed)

Have you run any system cleanups? (SCANDISK, internet options - delete files/cookies/history, emptied recycle bin, run disk cleanup)

When you have µTorrent stopped and everything else internet-wise stopped as well, how much "background noise" of ips trying to connect to your computer is your router receiving roughly per minute/per hour?

If it's over 50 per minute, then that alone can be a problem.

Also check your outgoing connection attempts at your router level to see if your computer is making/breaking internet links even when it is supposedly idle. ...I've caught a few viruses on my network that way which were KILLING my download/upload speeds as well as skyrocketing my pingtimes in realtime games.

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In answer to your questions.

How long has it been since your computer was last formatted? A few months, installed XP home and Mac OS X (2 HDD's)

Have you installed and uninstalled much software recently? (as this may contribute by leaving behind bad registry entries and crippling DLLs that link to nothing as the rest of the program was removed)Not lots, i think a few games, but i have installed Mac on a completly differet HDD that wasnt used before

Have you run any system cleanups? (SCANDISK, internet options - delete files/cookies/history, emptied recycle bin, run disk cleanup)Nope! But Firefox (the only browser i use) automatically cleans up everything and I run ccleaner regularly

When you have µTorrent stopped and everything else internet-wise stopped as well, how much "background noise" of ips trying to connect to your computer is your router receiving roughly per minute/per hour?EH?

If it's over 50 per minute, then that alone can be a problem.???

Also check your outgoing connection attempts at your router level to see if your computer is making/breaking internet links even when it is supposedly idle. ...I've caught a few viruses on my network that way which were KILLING my download/upload speeds as well as skyrocketing my pingtimes in realtime games.How am i doing this??

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If you have a router, in its configuration settings...somewhere...there should be an option to view a list of all recent incoming and outgoing connections made through/to it.

If you don't have a router, get TCP Viewer from sysinternals.com ...exact link:


(Microsoft bought them out, so grab it quick!)

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problem is i dont know where to find my router, on the box it tells my, but that doesnt work, ive tried blah.0.1, 0.2, 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 3.2, 3.1. none of these work, is there any way i can find out the number (192.168.***.***)???


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You may not have a separate router, though you may have a mini-router built into your modem.

A router would be between your computer and modem and is typically used to connect multiple computers to 1 modem.

An ip of 192.168.anything.anything is always a LAN ip. That alone will probably leave you firewalled unless port forwarded.

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What? i know i have an external wireless router, i can see it now, its a black box shaped Belkin F5D7230-4!!

But ihave no idea what it's address is, see post #10, quoted below:

problem is i dont know where to find my router, on the box it tells my, but that doesnt work, ive tried blah.0.1, 0.2, 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 3.2, 3.1. none of these work, is there any way i can find out the number (192.168.***.***)???
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