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How can i make it


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Thanks, but sorry i dont understand, because if i dont stop the torrent, the two torrent will download at the same time, and i only want to run one torrent at one time, when its finished another torrent, but not two torrents simultaneously. Is that what you are saying me?? Thanks.

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you can press the start button for more then one torrent at a time.

if you choose in the CTRL+P -> Queueing section only 1 active download, µT will not begin downloading the second torrent, even if you already have presses "start" for it time ago together with the first torrent, before the first one has finished downloading.

And if you want to make sure that the first one will not stop seeding the moment its download has finished and then directly goes to the next download that waits in the queue then tick the checkbox "Seeding tasks have higher priority..."

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