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share Peer/Torrent information with other users (tracker is down)


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there is a torrent with around 50 leechers and 1 seeder are on it. I'm the seeder.

Now the tracker is down and i think it won't be online in next time again.

when i close my client (utorrent) and start it again my client found the other 50 users and resume to leech. (the tracker is down!).

my question is:

where are the peer-informations saved? can i share this peer information and the torrent file to other users, so they can downlaod the file without connecting to the tracker?

i hope you understand my bad english

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uT does save this info somewhere (%appdata%/utorrent), but I'm not sure how you can get it and use it.

I think it would be best to just leave the job to DHT + PEx.

DHT (distributed hash tables) = a way for bt protocol to work without trackers

PEx (peer exchange) = well, name says it all, you send peer list to other peers, they do the same

those two combined make it possible to work without a tracker and they are ON in uT by default. So just make all peers switch to uT and they should have no problem connecting to peers even without a tracker :)

btw, uTorrent has a built-in tracker that you can use if everything else fails, it is explained somewhere in the FAQ I think.

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