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Router problem - utorrent doesnt work finde


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i have a big big problem with my utorrent program. And nobody could help me.

I have u torrent and the router "D-Link" DGL4300

I changed utorrent incoming port to "32459" and I forwarded 32459 over "special application" option at the Router interface.

I also tried it with the option "gaming" and "virtual server" at the interface.

utorrent shows me the yellow triangle

or sometimes later the red circle with that firewall problem.

I tunred off the XP firewall and I do not have installed any software firewall.

I have a static ip and dont know the reason, why I don't get a good connection. I have never seen the green symbol :(

Can anyone help?

XP SP2, no firewall software, only a hardware router

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enable UpnP is DISABLED.

And "Add utorrent to Windows firewall" is enabled.

But I shut down my XP Firewall.

I cant change anything at a Modem. I'm German and its called "DSL"

I used the "Speed Guide" in utorrent and there is "test for port forwarding".

"Error! Port 32459 does not appear to be open."

But I think I have opened that port in router config. I described that on the top of that posting.

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version 1.6

after some time the yellow triangle changes to the red light.

But I still have the red light of utorrent allt he time.

But a upload rate of 14kb and download sometimes with 40kb and a short time with 140kb.

Is it normal that the red light is glowing? Because of the router?

I did everything correct, I think. I read a lot of topics about my router and utorrent. But nothing could help me to get the red light away.

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