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uTorrent kills my Router (RP114)


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I have a NETGEAR RP114 NAT Web Save Router and about 10min after I start uTorrent I experience a massive internet slowdown and connections failures.

According to Netgear the Router supports max. 256 connections so I set the max connections in Preferences -> Bittorrent to 140. Maximum number of connected peers per Torrent to 45 and Number of upload slots per Torrent to 5.

Maximum number of actice Torrents is set to 3.

I thought that if I set the number of active torrents to 3 and the max connections per torrent to 45 I will max reach 135 connections and therefore the max global connections are set to 140.

If there's anything wrong with these settings please tell me.

As I wrote shortly after I start uTorrent I experience a massive slowdown, many connections failures and uTorrent looses connection to the trackers.

I tried to ping some domains and before I start uTorrent the response time is about 30-40ms, after I start uTorrent it rises to 400-600ms and after some time the respond time reaches the timeout limit.

The only solution to fix this is to close uTorrent or restart the router over and over again.

I tried to change some settings like disabling Upnp and DHT as mentioned somewhere in the forums, unfortunately the problem still exists.

I would appreciate if someone could help me or give me a hint what I could change in the settings dialog.


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