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DONT add too much new features


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Adding too much and rarely used fatures would make the programme slower and buggy and too complicated and hard to use.

If you intend to implement new features make it in that way that the programme stays the same for the users that dont use the new ones.

Adding 10000 options in the Preferences menu or in the context menu is really bad move.

Actually the interface only lacks drag&drop to rearange priority (like the up/down arrows) and I just need "Enter" to open/start the finished file. This way being more like explorer. You might also add filters, to filter only finished/seeding/paused/stopped/etc torrents. That's it.

Pls, don't add skins and sh1ts. µTorrent is like Winrar - simple and small. Winrar implemented skins 10 years later! Why so late? Simply, because noone really need it!

If you need tweaks, make them available in some ini's (like Opera)

Leave it simple! Focus on technology and speed.


As long as the hard options are in the advanced section, i dont see a problem! and btw noo.. i atleast want to have µtorrent skinnable, or atleast change the toolbar/icons/etc!


i guess you havent read any of the forums, or talked to anyone in the irc channel, and as such you have no knowledege of the fact that uT is designed to not be bloatware


Keloran, I read the forum long before posting here (didnt talked in irc), but there are too much ideas and request etc, and rarely someone says "dont ask for it". Btw design is usually the first thing to change...

Anyway its really good to find a support :)

I know toolbar icons are already changeable and actually Advanced Preference section is ok. But thats enough. 10x


i dont see what else could be made skinnable. ppl can already just download the bitmaps for the status/toolbar icons and in the next public release you will be able to assign you own icon to the taskbar/system tray, so its not like theyre going to incorporate 20 diff icons and other things into the executable like winamp does.


Although i wouldnt classify as fully skinable, i like the way that you can change some basic looks by adding bmp files outside the main programme without adding to the bloat.


@Venimus: You can probably trust the devs' choices in features to add. They set out to make µTorrent a fully functional BitTorrent client with things most people would expect, without the esoteric features that almost no one would bother using. They haven't failed in their choices so far =]


They made the client for the sole purpose of having a functional yet small, resource-efficient client to replace the other bloated and crappy clients, so I doubt it's gonna become a bloated thing... Unless you count it reaching 150KB bloated :lol:


I agree that you shouldn't add too many new features as utorrent already gets the job done very well. However I think that the developers at Utorrent should consider an extension strategy, like in Mozilla Applications such as Firefox. This would be the best method of adding new features to the base files instead of forcing it upon the user leaving the base file small. This would keep the original file small and users only need to add new features that they need. It would also allow people to make their extensions for features they want but are not available.


The developers have already anounced that they're not interested in a plug-in like system. I happen to agree with them. :) After DHT and Unicode support are implemented, µTorrent is really reaching the point where there aren't many things that need to be added, only improved/bugfixed. µTorrent is a torrent program, nothing more, nothing less. As someone said before me: "when in doubt, K.I.S.S." ;)


While we're on this subject, can we please get an update to the sticky about upcoming features? I know that the devs have already expressed interest in some of the requests being asked and it'd be nice to see the things that are going to be implemented and things that have been deemed unworthy.



I agree that you shouldn't add too many new features as utorrent already gets the job done very well. However I think that the developers at Utorrent should consider an extension strategy, like in Mozilla Applications such as Firefox. This would be the best method of adding new features to the base files instead of forcing it upon the user leaving the base file small. This would keep the original file small and users only need to add new features that they need. It would also allow people to make their extensions for features they want but are not available.

I don't agree with your opinion. Plugins and extensions were not created to keep applications small. It has nothing to do with that.

Plugins were created to allow open source programs to benefit from the contribution of other developers. That is the case with Firefox and Azureus, for example. It expands the applications possibilities by letting other developers contribute with their ideas and effort.

Extensions were created to allow addition of functionality that is not the core specialty of the programers. Your flash and multimedia extensions for Firefox/IE are an example of that.

Being closed source and not wanting the kitchen sink in uTorrent I can not see a reason why they should pursue this strategy. Size matters but it is not the ultimate goal, don't get fixated on it. :)

Add IRC in µTorrent?

Why would an IRC function be implemented? I would also put my vote against that if it ever came up, but I doubt it will.

Because it's usually what they add when the client starts to become a resource hog... they want to add any idiotic feature just because. Memory/cpu wise it isn't that much of a problem if you simply don't use it, but having "dead" features on an interface and having the developers caring about stuff that shouldn't be there in the first place means the app is pretty much stalled. Case in point, emule.

Personally, I think having plugins/extensions would be a good idea. Plugins aren't made only for size or the open-sourceness of the idea, but also because you can turn on or off whatever you want, discarding what does not please you. FF is a good example of that - there are so many crazy extensions I'd never use, but people love them. Miranda is a similar case - the program is basically just a raw core, and everything else is done by plugins (dlls really, in a modular approach), so you can customize it to your heart's content while managing to keep its memory footprint as low as you want it to be.


It's not gonna happen, simply because µTorrent isn't an Open Source program. IIRC, the developers told us that implementing a plug-in like system will expose the inner workings of µTorrent, so I doubt they'll change their mind (for the time being). Maybe when µTorrent does go Open Source some day there could be a chance for a plug-in system... ;)


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