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Version 1.1.8.rc1 - Hash Check Problem


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Hello, I'm new in this comunity...

I'm posting here to report that I downloaded version 1.1.8.rc1 (I think, it's not a official version, but...) and I'm having problems with "Pieces Failed Hash Check"...

I'm downloading a file, which size is 350Mb, it downloaded, at total, 400Mb, and it's 29% Done...

At Log Tab I could realize that there is a LOT of "Failed Hash Check"...

What is happening? Someone out there can help me?

Link removed ~ Sanchez

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I'm really sorry about the link. I've just post it to help you to help me.

Should I change this version I'm using to 1.1.7 (the last one)?

As the 1.1.8 was "released" i that web site, I thoght it was Ok...

But back to my main problem, the Hash Check Problem occurs to any file that I try to download. It begins pretty fast and Ok, but after 10%, it start to fail...

I think you moderators should include the rule to not include links here, in the forum, since the only rule about links stated "links to sites or tracking which may contain illegal content". I didn't know it was a ilegal version, or what ever... I'm sorry again...


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