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Operanized [toolbar]

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BSH is upset that we like his toolbar but not his favorite browser, Opera. :P It's O.K., I'm a Firefox user too, but I still like this toolbar. ;)

oxy to the rescue:

I _love_ Opera, am using it for years now. But... I can't stand any of their official styles.

Thus I'm using Qute native.

For Firefox as well, btw. (And it's still standard for Thunderbird. And I skinned my TotalCommander. Now looking for more programs tu qute-ize ;) )

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

@BloodStaindHurricane i'm using your toolbar for a long time, but can we see feed icon in the set to match the new versions ot uT ? I'm using rss feed but i don't want to change this nice toolbar just for not having one button :(


  • 2 weeks later...
@BloodStaindHurricane i'm using your toolbar for a long time, but can we see feed icon in the set to match the new versions ot uT ? I'm using rss feed but i don't want to change this nice toolbar just for not having one button :(


No news from the author, so I have updated the mod. Download

Preview :


Hope you'll appreciate it. :)


i'm currently using the opera 7.x firefox theme.. it's nice to have the same thing in µTorrent

1. the RSS icons looks a bit bad - i hope u can modify it (there was a topic called "Help us establish a new standart" where u can find a link to the page with the rss icons.. perhaps u could replace the current one with the green RSS icon from there)

2. the magnifier looks old-fashioned and doesn't fit properly with the other icons (the first 3 icons look absolutely magnificent)

3. the pause icon could be improved (between the 2 vertical lines there's something white.. why don't u remove that and make that part of the icon transperant

1. the RSS icons looks a bit bad - i hope u can modify it (there was a topic called "Help us establish a new standart" where u can find a link to the page with the rss icons.. perhaps u could replace the current one with the green RSS icon from there)

Hum, I've used this package and made a custom sized icon from it then I edited it with photoshop to add 2 pixels stroke to match with the other buttons. :P

See end of post…

2. the magnifier looks old-fashioned and doesn't fit properly with the other icons (the first 3 icons look absolutely magnificent)

Personnaly I like it, but if you have some suggestion for replacement, I can try to make it. :)

3. the pause icon could be improved (between the 2 vertical lines there's something white.. why don't u remove that and make that part of the icon transperant

It's not white, it's very light blue (inside stroke) but I agree it's improvable :

Previous one : oldpause5pc.png

Updated pause : pauseupdated7xs.png

Updated pause and feed : updatedpauserss6tn.png

Download 3 toolbars


they sure are but i just can't resist the first 4 :)

fluxiontech's µPack is great.. maybe some of the icons fit perfectly for this one :)

of course it should preserve it's original purpose - to look like Opera :)


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