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Slow Speeds.


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Hi. I have problems with my speeds alot. I have a 3mb cable line and a good PC. I am always getting 10-20kbp or less. Tonight a friend of mine started a download of the same file same time as me and I was getting 15-25kb while he was getting 80kb. He finished the 175mb file at 100% when mine was at 23%. My ISP is Charter Comm. I tried the FAQ listed fixes. Nothing worked. I downloaded from one of the listen sites to check speeds and was only getting 25-30kb from them after 10min.

Dunno if this will help but I read Ultima say swarm health matters.

[seeds: 16 of 42 connected (1351 in swarm)]

The only error I ever get in my Logger is "Unable to map UPnP Port."

BTW I have patched my TCPIP a few weeks ago.

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Your internet service provider should tell you what "rating" your connection has in terms of how fast it can upload and download. Attempting to go faster than that just causes all kinds of problems.

You may be told it's a "3mb cable line", but that's probably only its max theoretical download rate -- its upload rate may be less than 1/10th that!

Setting the upload speed max in µTorrent too high will so overload the line that even your requests to other peers/seeds to "send more of the torrent" get lost, so download speeds never get very high even while upload speeds run near-max of the connection.

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I'm not asking you what your download speed is in µTorrent, or what your rated (by your ISP) download speed is, or what download speed you get from website speed tests. ...because you've already told me that.

You may need to lower upload speed to 1/2 what you've got it set to currently.

It depends on how fast online speed tests show your UPLOAD speed to be!

You need to find out what your rated (by your ISP) UPLOAD speed is -- basically what it's supposed to be.

...and also do online (via websites) speed tests to actually confirm whether you're getting the UPLOAD speed your ISP says you are.

Without knowing that, I cannot tell you if your settings are good, bad, or will crash your computer repeatedly.

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I'm having a similar issue, but while my download speed seems to be okay, my concern is UPLOAD speed. I, too, am using Charter's cable service. Charter rates my service at 3 MB download, 256 kB upload. Bandwidth tests at Speakeasy confirm these numbers, pretty much. I got it to upload at a rate of 248, which is close enough. My modem is fine. I have also done the TCPIP patch thingy to increase my number of connections from 10 to 50.

However, the maximum global upload I can achieve in uTorrent is only about 35 kB/s, and that's just a spike. Normally my max is around 25-30 kB/s. I'd like to be able to upload much faster so I can achieve my good share ratios more quickly.

In the BitTorrent settings, I have:

Global maximum number of connections: 1000

Max # of connected peer per torrent: 125

# of upload slots per torrent: 50

In the Connection settings, I have 0s (unlimited) for bandwidth limiting.

Anyone know a way I can increase my global upload rate? This 30 kB/s ceiling is killing me, and this ceiling seems to be in place no matter how many torrents I have running, no matter how many peers are connected.

Thanks in advance for your help.

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Your ISP is giving you speeds in megabits/sec and kilobits/sec.

µTorrent is measuring/limiting torrent (file) download and upload speeds in KILOBYTES/sec.

It takes roughly 8.5-10 kilobits/sec of bandwidth to transfer a file at 1 KILOBYTE/sec.

So with a tested upload speed of only 248 kilobits/sec, you can only expect 31 KILOBYTES/sec as a THEORETICAL maximum file transefer speed. In reality, you'll probably only be able to sustain about 25 KB/sec.

With that in mind, try Speed Guide (CTRL+G) in µTorrent and select the xx/256k upload setting. More connections and upload slots is not better when your connection's slow.

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Thank you, Switeck, for the only truly helpful reply here.

Actually, I didn't have those 1000/125/50 settings in place all along, it was something a friend suggested last night just before I posted here. The way I had it before last night was something like 500/100/10... still way overboard though. Thanks for explaining about kilobits vs. kilobytes, I was assuming the wrong thing.

Thanks again!

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