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Port Forward Not Opening Anymore


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Hi I am a newbie and have only been using for a few weeks. I now have a problem.

I was able to set up port forward when I first started and everything was going great, leeching and seeding without any problems occasionally reaching a leech speed of 80kbs if the right person was online.

Earlier in the week when I exited utorrent, the system locked my internet connection and I was not able to connect to the internet, period. I re-opened utorrent and a yellow triangle appeared on the status bar "No incomming connections etc" and speed was 0kbs on both.

I turned off my PC and my router, BT Home hub and rebooted after a few mins wait. Everything worked fine, I can use the internet and am seeding up to whatever limit is set - BUT I cant leech and the yellow triangle is still there! I tried testing the port on the speed guide and it gives an error saying the port is not open.

I have opened 10 new randomly generated port numbers but get the same results as mentioned in para above. What am I doing wrong?

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Maybe when u turned off the router the IP address changed. Check in your firewall, router & start/run/ type cmd/type ipconfig to see if they are the same. Normally for me when I have a power outage I gotta check to see if my ip address changed.

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Yeah, my external ip address has changed again, by my internal (ipconfig) ip address has never changed. On the speed guide still says "port not open" and it is using the new external ip address and I still got the yellow triangle in the status bar.

I redid the portforward and I still get the same problem as already mentioned, seeding seems to work nomatter what I do- it seeds whatever I assign it i.e if I set it to 40kbs limit that is the amount that gets seeded. Leeching is 0kbs on unlimited.

tried using a static ip address without success, have followed instructions on portforward.com but nothing happens. Under "use the following ip address" if I Use external ip, it locks up the internet and refuses to play and if I use internal ip or the static ones generated in the guide, no difference when I turn off router I end up with a new external ip address.

I have even turned the firewall off and get the same results. Looking through the posts I notice I am not the only one with this problem. I have even used several other bittorrent clients, not surprisingly I end up with the same results 0.0 download

I am close to giving up on torrents completely!

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