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D:0.0k/U:0.0k all the time, only restarting utorrent helps


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I have a weird problem with my utorrent. I'm currently running the 1.6 version on Windows XP SP2. After utorrent starts, I have on and on the 0.0k DL and UL rates. The program is just not downloading or even uploading files. No response from it while there are many seeds and peers detected. What's so strange in it is that when I turn off the program and run it again after a few secs, everything is in the right place. The transfer rate is growing and soon after the start, utorrent is downloading properly at the bandwith's maximum speed. It surely wouldn't be a problem if only one restart helped. But it's not. Sometimes I have to wait very long for utorrent to start working properly. I think that my problem might be connected with installing SP2, cause AFAIK it appeared exactly after upgrading XP with service pack. What's worth mentioning, I turned off system's built-in firewall.

I hope you will help me solving the problem. Thanks in advance!


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  • 4 weeks later...

It's a late reply, but I used the tip from the topic hyperlinked in your signature and it looks like my problem has been solved.

I used Patched TCPIP.sys and now my torrent connects to the other peers and seeds seriously quicker.


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