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I have a "narrow line" (ADSL 250kbps up&down) and aim mostly at downloading 700MB files, so my bandwidth is precious. Most of the time I take the torrents one at a time (often using the queueing feature) since they arrive at maximum speed more or less, but ever so often I find something I really want to download which takes forever. In such cases it would be nice to be able to set bandwith/priority among downloads, with more than one download active. It would also be useful as an alternative to queueing sometimes.

Example: I have max 24kB/s down speed, and assume I find a torrent "A" with 5kB/s which will take me 2 days to download, and maybe the speed varies a lot too. Then it would be nice if I was able to add torrent "B" to "fill up" and make use of the remaining bandwidth of ~19kB/s. For example by labeling "A" as having "max bandwidth" and B as "medium" (much like what is possible today for upload bandwidth). This way I would get the file I really want at maximum speed and still don't wast most of my bandwidth on nothing while waiting for the precious one.

I searched this forum for similar posts but didn't find any (probably most people have much more BW than I), http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?id=2143 is the only one I found with similar thoughts. Queueing and "don't count slow dl" option is related but if the option I suggest was available, I would definitely use it a lot.

That's about the only option I really miss.

Best regards,


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