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DL vs UL speeds


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Hi, I have read alot of posts and all the guides. Tried a bunch of settings but I allways get the same result, my upload is way higher than my download. In the screenshot I'm downloading both Slackware and Open Office (the ones at the top) but I still can't get a higher download than upload. My connection in Mbit is 30/30 and tested against servers in sweden it's correct, tested against the servers suggested by uTorrent I get a result a bit lower but thats because the server is located on the other side of the atlantic.

My up speed is very stable, doesn't move at all.

My down speed is also quiet stable but allmost allways 1 sixth of my upload speed. down approx 150-300 kb/s and up 1 mb/s

I have tried with and without router and as I said with a alot of differrent settings. So please someone, - HELP ME.

Using other P2P's such as DC++ I can quite easy achive a downloadspeed of 1,5 to 3 Mb per second.


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I wish I had that problem, of upload speeds so much faster than downloads. I have a cable modem, and no firewall(except that provided by McAfee), and I have had download speeds for a single torrent of over 500kb/sec, with Comcast as my provider, and their 'Power Boost'. On the other hand, even with max upload set to unlimited, I have never seen a Combined upload rate of higher than about 51kb/sec. I have discovered that if the upload rate is higher than about 35kb/sec, it limits the download rate, and also tends to cause other Internet connection or page/switching attempts to slow down to point of failure. For example, at this moment I am downloading one file, and seeding another, with a download rate of about 150k, and upload of 33k. If I reset max upload speed to unlimited, upload speed goes to 41k, and download speed is reduced to about 35k. how can I increase upload speed?

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I have not set my upload speed to unlimit. It's now set to (CTRL+G 10 mbit) and I have tried (CTRL+G 20Mbit). No differrence.

Starting to think if there simply isn't a higher speed avaible on those torrents. On the other hand if I choose a torrent that is "hot" I still can't get a higher DL speed than UL speed. Have never had a DL speed greater than 1.1 Mb/sek wich was then equal to the UL speed.

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Please forgive Ultima, he's "yelling" at wizard who is trying to hijack your message thread. wizard's problem is almost the exact opposite, so he should probably start a thread of his own with pertinent information (the information needed is listed in Ultima's "Internet Interruption or Slow Speeds?" FAQ.) BTW, I am ALSO on Comcast and have the rated upload limit of 384 kilobits/sec that they SAY I have...which means my upload speeds max out around 40 KILOBYTES/sec in µTorrent. There is overheads with TCP and additional overheads with BitTorrent protocol and even MORE overheads when you try to maintain lots of connections at once, so even though a 384 kilobits/sec upload bandwidth has a theoretical max file upload speed of 48 KILOBYTES/sec (8 bits per byte) the actual useable speed may only be 40 KILOBYTES/sec.


Have you tested the OpenOffice torrent to see if there's not some suble download limit on your side?

(Maybe your modem/router/firewall/network packet loss/latency is causing speeds to be lower than it might be otherwise?)

The OpenOffice torrent, once it ramps up to speed (probably in <1 minute) should demonstrate the download speed your connection is capable of. However you'll probably fail to reach that max download speed before the 'tiny' download finishes because your connection is so fast. :cool:

Also, are you getting faster overall speeds if you start multiple torrents? ...it's not like you're "leeching" even if you have 10 torrents going at once, if you're uploading at 100+ KB/sec on each!

If you set your upload speed settings to match what your upload bandwidth SHOULD be capable of, are you actually ever reaching and sustaining that upload speed in µTorrent? (NOTE: sustaining is more important than reaching it occassionally -- the overloads caused by trying to upload at 100% all the time is immensely worse than trying to upload at 95% all the time.)

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Nice, everything works great now! Thank you for taking your time trying to help me. Done a bit of tweaking on the settings but I think the main reason was the type of torrents I tried to download. I have also installed a new network interface, hate using mainboard built in stuff. So ones again, thanks.

/ Anders


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