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upload picks


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I'm not sure what kind of problem I'm facing. I think it's related to the program itself, but maybe I'm wrong.

Ok. it's very simple; let's say I want to limit my upload to 7-6kb/s . I'm modifing the text box(bla bla bla), and now I'm ready to dl/up. But, when I'm dl/up, the upload is not on the max limit (7-6kb/s), and THEN, on some point(it's in cycles), there's a peak in the upload that is ABOVE the limit, that is actually the max upload I can with my bandwidth. Hence, the download speed is decreasing!

I will sum it up - everytime I download, there are peaks in upload that are above limit, peaks that occur often.

Is it a known problem?

I haven't found it in the forums though...


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The other end can cause bursts from time to time.

Plus, the networking overheads cannot be calculatable in advance...especially if you're allowing lots of connections at once.

So what other settings are you trying to use with an upload speed of 6-7 KB/sec?

(All the settings listed by Speed Guide (CTRL+G) will do.)

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