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Problems since updating.


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ever since I did the update a couple of days ago I cannot get utorrent to work for me. All the torrents that I had going and a couple of new ones that I tried all say "A request to send or receive data was disallowed because the socket is not connected and (when sending on a datagram socket using a sendto call) no address was supplied. " This problem wasn't happening before the update and I don't know how to fix it. If you can please help.

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I've got the same problem. Think it is my firewall - Kaspersky Internet Security Suite 6

I have followed advice here to produce firewall rules for Kaspersky


but when I start uTorrent the icon left of each torrent goes Red and tracker status reads "a request to receive or send data was disallowed because the socket is not connected and (when sending on a datagram socket using a sendto call) no address was supplied".

Please can someone advise what I have done wrong.


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I'm using WinXP sp2. Have updated network card driver, to no avail. Not sure how to do the motherboard chipset.

If I turn Kaspersky firewall off then uTorrent works fine, so I'm thinking it is about the rules I have set - as per http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php … 38#p255638

Seems to have been a few people struggling with this error. I'm almost ready to get rid of Kaspersky and try something different.

Any clues?

Many thanks.


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