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Download/Upload Info to Vista Sidebar Gadget


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Hi everyone,

I would like to create a little Sidebar Gadget for Vista, which shows only some vital information of the µtorrent client, such as

* Total Upload-Speed

* Total Download-Speed

* Total No. of Active Torrents

But I don't know how get this information von the WebUI. Is there a command like the "list=1", that lists these information?

Thanks in advance!



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I want one sooo bad with info using the WebUI like the azureus one!

I have my downloads on another pc to my vista/normal use pc.

so using the webUI would solve all my probs and probably if that not how u were going 2 make it probs make it easier 4 u 2! :)

Anyways man please keep me posted I would love to see what you come up with!

Thanks Aaron,

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