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0 Upload speed with 1.6.1 me too

Lord KiRon

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Was fine with 1.6 , after installing 1.6.1 I have "saw like" start then upload goes to 0, while download speed is also not too high.

The strange thing that putting 1.6 back does not solves the problem , look here :


(please disregard "disk overloaded 100%" message I have there , I have 13GB free on disk , it's just 3 files I downloading right now will need about 16 :) )

That's the way it goes all the time.

I suspected too many connections so I reduced "Maximum number of connected peers by torrent" to 10 , and later to 5 but it did not helped.

My line is 1500/512 , use SpeedGide recommended settings (changed max up to 65 from 47 same as it was in 1.6), has all this working fine and maxing on 1.6 before.

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Disk overload doesn't mean low disk space.This is most probable cause of your speed problems.


My line is 1500/512 , use SpeedGide recommended settings (changed max up to 65 from 47 same as it was in 1.6), has all this working fine and maxing on 1.6 before.

No. Either:

- you really don't have 512kb/s upload (but more, even 640kb/s is dubious)

- you are using some kind of traffic shaping software

- it didn't work fine at all

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Well :

1. Firon The disk overload message was temporal and gone after restart - results are the same, meaning problem remains.

On the other hand it might be a reason for a speed drop, how come 1.6 did not had it and now after using 1.6.1 even 1.6 won't work ?

I will monitor if up speed drop and appearance of this message related.

2.kurahashi 512/8=64 , for some reason my line is not so limited as I paid :), an FTP upload easily gives me 66-67. (I connected thru cable provider using direct MPLS, the speed limitation is in modem settings) 1.6 uTorrent when I set it to 65 was giving me 62-65 up all the time before move to 1.6.1.

Anyway , setting it back to 47 did not do any good either - same near 0 results :(

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That's the problem , I am "working" with private tracker , the tracker statistics shows that there are a lot of people that want to download and I can't upload !!!

Not only it makes me appear as a leach :) but also hurts my ratio.

It goes like this - I fire up uTorrent , it starts OK (up goes up to 50+) , then after sometime it goes down to about 10 , then up to about 30 then down to 0.

After 20-30 minutes upload is near 0 all the time even if left over night.

If I restart uTorrent up is back to 50+ again for several minutes ...

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OK, the downloads sow seems to be the result of "disk overloaded 100%" thing (that never happened before) , I switched the cache size to manual and changed the size to 64 - this reduced the download drops a bit , changed again to 128 (I have 2GB of RAM so I can allow myself) and it seems it helped the "disk overloaded 100%" still happens once a while but it's rare and goes away after a minute or so.

However no effect on upload speed that still near 0 : 0.1-0.3 :(

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Well, uh, have you tried turning off DHT? You may also want to try turning off "Write out untouched blocks every 2 minutes" in the Disk Cache options.

Also, the thing about private trackers is that the number of leechers can be deceptive. Often people jump on the torrent but only download some of the files, so they show up as leechers forever.

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Well I always have DHT off since it's a requirment of my tracker, "2 minutes" writes are also off since I do not want to kill my HDD early :)

The other strange thing that despite all this huge cache sizes I set the uTorrent "footprint" in memory is ~2MB RAM and 17MB virtual , that's all ...

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OK , the download part of the problem is partly solved, even if it's wrong definition :)

Look there :


It seems (I experimented a lot with different cache sizes up to 300MB) that the cach is just gets filled up to maximum without any writing to disk at all and after that I have a drop in speed - go figure ...

So I disabled writing cache completely and now have steady maxed out download speed ...

The upload part on the other hand still near the 0.

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OK , I went to %AppData%\uTorrent dolder and deleted ALL .dat and .old files and started uTorrent 1.6.1 a new.

Or wonder - it helped !!!

(of course I had to readd and recheck all torrents)

I do not know what went wrong but now my graph looks like this:


Please compare to two above :)

and no disk errors too.

While doing all this I also found a 100% reproducible 1.6.1 recheck freeze bug:


but that's a different story :)

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2.kurahashi 512/8=64

You've passed the maths, but still fail with general network knowledge :)

TCP/IP and utorrent itself generates overhead, while utorrent counts clean data speeds only.

That's why you should always set in utorrent your upload speed - at the very least - 10% lower from your total upload connection speed. Because of leaving the space for the overhead.

an FTP upload easily gives me 66-67

If that's the truth, then it only confirms my earlier suspicions that your upload speed is in fact higher than 512kb/s, no? :)

Nevertheless, if you take a look at your last speed graph you'll notice that your upload doesn't give you 64kB/s, in fact it circulates between 50-60kB/s. In that case, you shouldn't lose anything if you lower the upload to, for example, 55kB/s. And you can only gain better network flow and because of that - better downloads.

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