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Port Forwarding


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Have XP (firewall disabled), Linksys WRT-54G (brand new), to cable modem. Used IPCONFIG to set up port forwarding. BUT...can't get port forwarded (63238). Have set up the static IP on my PC/TCP-IP settings and the Linksys.

Each day when I use the UTorrent port test - it keeps saying that it's checking the port on a different ISP-DNS Server address. Yesterday it was it was checking the port on Msg says the port isn't open.

Any idea what I need to do next to forward the port through my ISP?

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No effect. I (think) my problem is the DNS Servers. When I do IPCONFIG, it lists two addresses ( & .13). But...when I do the UTorrent test, it says it's checking the port on Yesterday it was checking the port on

Does my ISP dynamically allocate addresses to my cable modem?

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OK. To recap: 1. XP firewall disabled. 2. Port 63238 (Enable UPNP unchecked). 3. Linksys WRT54G ( - default gateway). 4. My TCP/IP settings set for (Static) + DNS Servers per IPCONFIG. 5. Linksys set for (range) 63238 + - Enabled checked.

It (looks) like my Linksys is blocking it - but I followed portforward guide correctly. I verified I have latest firmware for this model.

Port still blocked - anything else I might check? Instructions have been fairly straightforward, but can't get port forwarded.

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...DUMMY ME....I had my Vonage adapator between my cable modem and WRT54G. I took it out and connected it to one of my router IP ports.....and everything came up like a dream !!! Thx for your help. My UTorrent speeds are fantastic.

BTW, I looked into the Ambit modem most cable companies use ( ) and it comes factory default with security disabled. It was the Vonage (Motorola VT1005) that must have been blocking the port.

Again, thx.

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